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A Quick Guide to starting a trade business or a field service business

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Did you know that trade businesses have become more popular over the last couple of years? Yes, due to the busy lifestyle of most people, they prefer to hire a specialist to do the work around their homes and businesses.

So, what do these businesses do? In simple terms, these are the businesses that come to your help when you need to fix something at your house or office. They provide services to fix things like a leaky faucet, a power issue, or even a broken door.

In this blog post, we will discuss the essential things that you should consider when starting your own tradie business. We will cover everything from selecting the perfect niche that suits your skills to setting up your business legally. Further, we will cover how you could gather the right tools, build a great team, and attract those first customers.

Understanding the trade/field service industry

Before going any further, you should know about the current situation of the trade and field service industry. These businesses have become highly popular over the last couple of years. This is mainly because more people need these services, due to their busy lifestyles. Therefore, there’s room for new trade businesses in the industry.

Further, the technology in this industry has evolved to a great extent, and most technicians use the latest technology to improve their efficiency.

Starting and carrying out a trade business is not always easy. These businesses face challenges like finding skilled workers and keeping up with new technology, which is mainly due to budget restrictions.

However, there are still big chances for you to succeed, especially if you’re ready to solve these problems and meet customer needs.

Identify your niche or specialized area

When you start your own business, it’s a good idea to focus on one special kind of job instead of doing multiple things. This means that you should choose something specific which you’re really good at or enjoy doing.

It could be something like fixing cars, plumbing, or even gardening. When you specialize in one thing, your customers will know to come for you to do that specific job. They will know you are the specialist for it.

However, when you pick an area to specialize you should think about what you’re good at and what people need. You should look around and see what services are in demand but not many people are offering.

Therefore, make sure to talk to people, search online, or check out local businesses to see what’s popular and profitable in your location. This helps you to decide what special service your business should offer.

Make a business plan

First of all, let’s discuss why you should have a business plan. It is like a guide for your business so that you can make sure that your business goes in the way that you intend. On the other hand, it helps you plan everything and show banks or investors how your business will work and make money. This is critical to get capital for your business or to obtain a bank loan.

Now you have a clear idea of why you should have a business plan. Let’s find out what you should include in your business plan:

  • Executive summary and business description: This is a short description of your business and its purpose. It should include your business name, location, the services you offer, and a brief description of your objectives and plans.
  • Market analysis: Here, you should look at the business world that you’re entering. You should mention who your customers and competitors are. Further, you should mention the opportunities and threats in the market along with the strengths and weaknesses of your business. This will help you to understand where your business will fit in.
  • Business structure: Explain how you plan to set up your business. You should mention whether you are planning to work alone or with a team. If you have a team, then you should outline who is in charge of different functions of the business.
  • Services offered: You should describe the services that you’re going to provide in detail. Make sure to mention what makes your services special or different.
  • Marketing strategy: You should outline how you are planning to attract and retain customers. This should include your pricing strategy, advertising, and promotion strategies.
  • Financial planning: In this section, you should talk about your capital and financial requirements. You should mention how much you need to start and how you will make money. This part is really important to keep your business running smoothly.

Know about the legal requirements and registrations

Starting a business from scratch is not easy because you have to fulfill certain legal requirements and get the necessary licenses. If you don’t follow these requirements to the point, you will face legal issues, which could be costly for your business. Let’s look at these legal requirements one by one.

  • Licenses and permits: You have to obtain special licenses and permits depending on what kind of service you provide. They are like special permissions that allow you to do your job legally. It also tells the public that you are recognized by the government as qualified to do the job.
  • Registering your business: You need to officially sign up your business with the local authorities in your area. This will make your business official and legal.
  • Taxes and insurance: It’s essential to know about the tax rules and regulations in your area. You should confirm whether you should register for taxes, what kind of taxes you have to pay, etc. Also, you should have good insurance coverage to protect your business if something goes wrong.

Funding your business

You need money to get things going when starting your own business. Not only that, you have to use that money wisely so that the business will run smoothly. Here are some ways that you can find that money:

  • Loans: You can borrow money from a bank or a third-party financial institution and then pay it back over time with a little extra interest. You should remember that it could be costly to pay the interest.
  • Grants: These are like money gifts that you don’t have to pay back. Many governments and other organizations will provide you with grants if they think your business is a good idea or helps the community.
  • Investors: Some people will give money to your business in exchange for a part of its ownership or a profit share. They are ideal for medium and large–scale businesses. However, some small-scale investors support small business startups.

As we said earlier, just getting the funds alone is not enough. You have to manage your money well to make sure that the business runs smoothly. That’s why you should make a list of everything you need to buy and spend when starting the business and how much they will cost.

You need money to buy tools and equipment, hire staff, market, get field service management software, insurance and registrations, etc. This helps you understand how much money you need at the start. It also helps to avoid spending too much while keeping track of your money.

Acquiring tools and equipment

When you are in the field service industry, you need special tools and equipment to do your business. Therefore, make sure to consider the following things before starting your business.

  • What you need: First, you should list the tools and equipment that are important for your job. For example, if you’re a painter, you need brushes, ladders, and paint.
  • Buying or renting: You can either buy these things or rent them. However, when you buy them, they’re yours forever, but it will cost more upfront. This is ideal if you are getting jobs regularly so that you can make sure that they are available when you need them.
  • When you rent them, you only have to pay a small amount. However, you cannot make sure that they are available at the highest quality when you need them. This is ideal for expensive equipment or if you don’t have many jobs.
  • Maintain the tools: You should take good care of your tools after buying them. You should service them, fix them if they break, and replace old ones with new ones sometimes. This is important because good tools will help you to do your job well.

Hiring and Training Staff

When you start your business, you might not have to hire people to help you. However, there should be a plan to hire them when your business starts growing. 

Here’s how you can do it:

  • When to hire: First of all, you should know when to hire someone to help you. If you have more work than you can handle alone or you need someone with special skills, it’s time to hire someone.
  • How to hire: You should look for people who have the necessary qualifications and licenses to do the job. Therefore, you can put up a job advertisement or ask people you know if they’re interested or if they know someone.
  • Training your team: Once you hire someone, you should teach them how to do the job according to your expectations. You can show them yourself, give them manuals or videos, or even send them to special classes.
  • Making a good workplace: You should create a nice and friendly workplace for your team by treating everyone fairly. You can do this by listening to their ideas and making sure they’re happy with their job. A happy team will work better together.


Marketing and customer acquisition

How can marketing affect your business so much? A good marketing plan can make your trade business successful in the long run. It is an attractive way to let the community know about your business, which helps you to get customers.

You should think about the best ways to tell people about your services. You can use the following techniques to do it:

  • Internet and social media: You should create a website for your business so that potential customers can learn about your business easily. Then, you can use emails and social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram to tell people about your business. It’s a good way to reach a lot of people in modern times at the lowest cost.
  • Old-school advertising: These are advertising techniques like flyers, newspaper advertisements, or local radio. They are still good ways to reach people in your local area.
  • Finding customers through friends and other contacts: Talk to people you know, like friends, family, or other business owners, because they can tell others about your business. Your happy customers will also spread the word about you to their friends. This is called getting referrals.

Managing operations

Now you know how critical a trade business startup can be. Therefore, it is essential to take care of your business every day to make sure that it is running smoothly. Here are some tips that you can use to manage its operations:

  • Daily checklist: You should make a list of things that you need to do every day, like checking emails, ordering supplies, or talking to customers. You can plan your day well when you know what to do and stay organized.
  • Using computers and software: There are job management software that can help you manage the routine operations of your business. They can keep track of your appointments, send bills to customers, and keep customer details. This will make your work much easier and help you to be more organized.
  • Make sure everything is of good quality: Always check your work to ensure it’s the best you can do. Happy customers will return and even tell their friends about your business, so you will get free referrals.
  • Be good to your customers: You should treat your customers well. Listen to what they need, be friendly, and help them quickly if they have a problem. When you give good customer service, your clients will be loyal to your business.

Wrapping up

As you can see, starting your own trade business can be pretty challenging. That’s why you should define your specialization properly, make a good business plan, and proceed with the other tips we discussed earlier.

If you are starting small, you might have to deliver the service to your customers and manage the operations of the business by yourself. That’s where job management software will become handy. Even if you hire people, you might still benefit from such software.

Job management software will help you to schedule your jobs, plan the best traveling routes, and communicate with clients easily. It will also help you to generate invoices, keep track of your finances, and do many other things.

If you are looking for such a job management software, make sure to try i4T Business. We have helped many trade businesses overcome their operational challenges easily. Make sure to contact our team to get your Free Demo today.

Stay on top of your trade business with i4T Business!


Research market demands, consider your skills and interests, and identify areas with less competition but high demand. When you specialize in a niche, you can set your business apart from competitors and attract a specific group of customers.

Yes, you often need certain skills and official permissions (licenses) to start a trade business. These depend on where you live and what kind of work you’ll do. It’s a good idea to check with your local authorities or groups related to your business type for what you need.

Having insurance is very important. It protects your business if something goes wrong, like accidents or damage while working. Think about getting insurance that covers general accidents, your workers, and any specific professional risks.

You can use your own money, get a loan from a bank, find a grant, or find people who want to invest in your business. Having a good business plan helps a lot in getting this money.

Use the internet and social media, tell your friends and family to spread the word, put ads in local papers, and connect with other business owners. It is also helpful if you have a strong online presence, especially on search engines and social media.

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